You hear a lot of people these days always talking about how much therapy can help. I agree with this statement, but ONLY if the therapist knows God through his son Jesus Christ. My personal experiences were quite different with therapists after sharing my experiences with others whom had been to therapy.
One thing I do know is some of us educated folks are so intelligent in areas, that we can be somewhat unwise in many areas and unwilling to learn or accept that which is outside our box. This lifetime is not long enough for us to know all things, so our seeking of knowledge should be continual until we expire. God says:
For You are my praise.
We should remain open unto learning and just as open unto correction. As I often have told my children, "You ain't living, unless you're learning." Over time many of us get comfortable in our "know all" and will cut off the obvious wisdom standing on our nose. God does say that his words will fall upon deaf ears.
Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it.
Read: Ezekiel 12:2, Matthew 13:15, Acts 28:27, Romans 11:8
I have seen tactical similarities in each of my therapy sessions. Therapists will rudely yawn as you speak, and appear quite bored as you pour your heart out to them. The common thread I have received from each of them is they will try to poke and prod a bit, and make you question yourself, just to see how you will react. All the while taking notes of course!
Many therapists I have personally dealt with are very observant and quite intelligent, but none I came in contact with, could fathom the depths of God's word or lead me into the Father's righteous direction. They have either prescribed man's pills or man's way to handle life, but never God's way.
Whatever path you choose to take on your personal journey to heal, remember:
Behold, I (God) stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
I put this on my soul, that God will never leave you, nor forsake you, once you let him into your heart.
I send blessings to you inside your life mission, and may God's enormous love keep you always. Thank you for reading!